If you are unfamiliar with the procedure process, a traditional dental crown procedure requires at least two dental visits and it takes approximately one week to restore a damaged tooth. However, CEREC crowns allows the restoration process to be done within one visit. A patient in need of a crown is able to leave our Longmont dental practice with a fully restored tooth and smile in just a few hours.
What are CEREC Crowns?
CEREC is a state-of-the-art technology that removes the need for lab involvement and the time taken when creating any sort of tooth restorations. CEREC can be used for crowns, partial crowns, veneers and other dental restoration services. An advanced camera computer technology to get an extremely precise photo of the damaged tooth. The computer will then allow our Longmont dentist to analyze the image and a finished restoration of porcelain will be created based on this information. The 3D impression of the tooth taken will help create the most accurate replacement tooth. This negates the use of traditional molding gels that can be uncomfortable for patients.
In this case, for same-day crown restorations, the replacement tooth will blend in naturally with your remaining teeth. This advanced technology allows for you to get your crown within one visit with our clinic, removing the need for a temporary crown and multiple visits.
The Benefits of CEREC Same-Day Crowns
When you decide to restore your tooth using CEREC, you will have a completely different experience. As opposed to traditional crowns, the CEREC same-day crown process will be significantly faster, more efficient, and the crown placed is more durable and natural looking. Some additional benefits of CEREC crowns include:
- Only the need for a single appointment. No follow-ups or additional procedures!
- Overall, less time will be spent in the dental chair receiving the crown.
- The filling will appear completely natural, no more metal!
- The filling is actually healthier by eliminating the metal filling.
- Eliminates the need for impressions, which can often be messy and uncomfortable.
- No need for an ill-fitted temporary filling.
- The filling is more likely to resist plaque, anti-abrasive, and biocompatible.
- More durable than traditional fillings; will not break or leak.
- Advanced technology with a decade of clinical research.
CEREC same-day crowns are the perfect solution for modern-day crown placement. They provide the patient with a much more pleasant experience than that of traditional crown placement. If you think you may be in need of a dental crown, talk with our Longmont dentist today!